Using Facette

Once installed, please make sure either the facette binary is available in your PATH or provide the full path to the binary. Then display its usage by running:

$ facette -h
Time series data visualization software

      facette [FLAG]...

      -c, --config   Configuration file path (default: /etc/facette/facette.yaml)
      -h, --help     Display this help and exit
      -V, --version  Display version information and exit

Starting the Service

To start the service, simply run the facette command:

$ facette -c path/to/facette.yaml
Attention: Facette doesn't need to run as root unless you want it to bind to a port lower than 1024.

If you installed Facette through a distribution package, it usually provides an init script to manage the service, please refer to your distribution service management system.

Maintenance Tasks

The various maintenance tasks to run on running Facette instances can be achieve via the facettectl utility. It can work on both local or remote Facette instances (see -a flag).

$ facettectl -h
Facette control utility

      facettectl [FLAG|SET]...

      -a, --address  Upstream socket address (default: http://localhost:12003)
      -h, --help     Display this help and exit
      -t, --timeout  Upstream connection timeout (default: 30)
      -V, --version  Display version information and exit
      -q, --quiet    Run in quiet mode

      catalog      Manage catalog operations
      library      Manage library operations

Refreshing catalog

To refresh all the providers configured that are enabled on a Facette instance, run the following command:

$ facettectl catalog refresh

Dumping and restoring library

For backup and restoration purpose, the facettectl can dump Facette’s library into a compressed tarball, just run:

$ facettectl library dump -o path/to/dump.tar.gz

To restore an existing dump (by default the existing library will be replaced, use -m to merge), execute the following command:

$ facettectl library restore -i path/to/dump.tar.gz
Note: library items are dumped giving a specific order to prevent issues when restoring items relying on preexisting ones. Edit the dump at your own risks!