Installing Facette

From Binaries

This is the preferred method. Binary releases and Debian GNU/Linux distribution packages are available on the project releases page on Github.

From Docker Hub

We provide Docker images for every stable release, so you can try Facette without installing it on your system. Check out our repository for available images and usage instructions.

Alternatively, a Dockerfile is provided in the sources tree to allow you to build a Docker image from the tip of the sources repository (see “From Sources > Additional Targets” section below).

From Sources

To build Facette from the sources, you can either use a release tarball available on Github or retrieve the source code by cloning the Git repository:

git clone

Build Requirements

Build Instructions

Note: on Debian/Ubuntu distributions you will need to install the nodejs-legacy package for Node.js dependencies to work.

At the top the sources directory, run the build command:

make install

By default, Facette will be built in the build directory and installed in /usr/local. To change the installation directory, set the PREFIX variable:

sudo make PREFIX=/path/to/directory install

The resulting service binary comes with the support for all back-end drivers and provider connectors. To build a version that suits to specific needs set BUILD_TAGS variable with a list a revelant tags, separated by spaces.

Build Tags

Tag Description
builtin_assets Embed front-end assests in binary
disable_connector_facette Disable support of Facette provider connector
disable_connector_graphite Disable support of Graphite provider connector
disable_connector_influxdb Disable support of InfluxDB provider connector
disable_connector_kairosdb Disable support of KairosDB provider connector
disable_connector_rrd Disable support of RRDtool provider connector
disable_driver_mysql Disable support of MySQL back-end driver
disable_driver_pgsql Disable support of PostgreqSQL back-end driver
disable_driver_sqlite Disable support of SQLite back-end driver

Additional Targets


Run the various test suites:

make test

Docker Images

Build a Docker image from the current sources tree:

make docker

To change the default facette:latest image tag, set the DOCKER_TAG variable:

make DOCKER_TAG=my_company/facette:x.y.z docker