
The configuration file uses YAML format and is provided to the service with the -c argument. If not specified, Facette will look for the /etc/facette/facette.yaml file.

For a complete example configuration file, see facette.yaml.

Main Settings

Key Type Default Description
cache.path string var/cache Cache directory path
defaults.time_range string -1h Default time range for plots retrieval
http.base_path string Root path behind which the service is located (e.g. /facette)
http.enable_ui bool true Front-end activation flag
http.expose_version bool false Prevent build details from being exposed in API
http.graceful_timeout int 30 Timeout before forcefully shutdown remaining connections
http.listen string localhost:12003 Socket to listen on (use unix:/path/to/facette.sock?mode=0644&user=facette&group=facette for UNIX socket)
http.read_only bool false Read-only flag, preventing modifications through API calls
logger.file.level string info File logging level (error, warning, notice, info or debug)
logger.file.path string Logging file path (if - logging goes to stdout; if empty file logging is disabled)
logger.syslog.address string Syslog logging server address (if empty, host-local logging is performed)
logger.syslog.facility string daemon Syslog logging facility)
logger.syslog.level string Syslog logging level (error, warning, notice, info or debug; if empty syslog logging is disabled)
logger.syslog.tag string facette Syslog logging tag
logger.syslog.transport string udp Syslog logging network transport protocol (tcp, udp or unix)
storage.debug bool false Enable back-end storage debugging
storage.driver string sqlite Back-end storage driver name (sqlite, pgsql or mysql)
storage.* See “Back-end Settings” below for details

Back-end Settings


Key Type Default Description
storage.path string data.db SQLite database file path


Key Type Default Description string localhost PostgreSQL host address
storage.port int 5432 PostgreSQL host port
storage.dbname string facette PostgreSQL database name
storage.user string facette PostgreSQL user name
storage.password string PostgreSQL user password


Key Type Default Description string localhost MySQL host address
storage.port int 3306 MySQL host port
storage.dbname string facette MySQL database name
storage.user string facette MySQL user name
storage.password string MySQL user password