
Facette filters allow you to change how origins, sources and metrics appear in the Facette catalog, and discard the ones you don’t want to deal with. The filters section of a provider definition defines rules that are evaluated at origins inventory, renaming or discarding specific sources or metrics using regular expressions (RE2 syntax).

Note: in JSON you need to double the escaping character \ when writing regular expressions (e.g. \d → \\d).

Filter rule settings:

Supported target (string) values:

Note: in case of a pattern regexp syntax error, the filter will continue its initialization and discard the bogus rule (a warning message will be output in the logs).



Rewrite all received records target field by replacing all occurrences of pattern with the string value specified in the rewrite setting (can also be regular expression captured groups references).

Example: rewrite sources (such as “host3_example_net” becomes “”), and metrics (such as “cpu-0.cpu.system.value” becomes “cpu.0.system”):

"filters": [
  { "action": "rewrite", "target": "source", "pattern": "_", "into": "." },
  { "action": "rewrite", "target": "metric", "pattern": "^cpu-(\\d+)\\.cpu-(.+)\\.value$", "into": "cpu.$1.$2" }


Discard all received records whose target match pattern.

Example: discard all entries whose source match the pattern “”

"filters": [
  { "action": "discard", "target": "source", "pattern": "host3\\.example\\.net" }


The sieve action does the opposite of discard: it only lets records whose target match pattern pass through.

Example: only keep records whose source names end with “”

"filters": [
  { "action": "sieve", "target": "source", "pattern": "\\.prod\\.example\\.net$" }


When evaluating filtering chains, the precedence of actions is the following:

Sieve > Discard > Rewrite
Note: filtering rules are evaluated in the order you define them, so watch out for ordering issues when defining "chained" rules, as a origin/source/metric name may have been previously rewritten and a subsequent rule pattern may not match its original value.